Should Students Have To Go To School Is Too Long Research Paper

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School is very boring. Students are not interested in learning stuff that they will never use or is irrelevant to them. Students are uninterested in the subjects they are required to learn. Students fall asleep in class, and enjoy only the nonacademic aspects of school like lunch and socializing. Schools give too much homework and that makes students hate school even more because instead of hanging with friends, they have to study things they already find to be boring. Students should not have to go to school for twelve years that is just too long.

The school day is too long. Students spend five days per week for at least six hours a day. If you multiply that by twelve years, you can see that is just too long. It is more than most people work a job. School should prepare us for life not more school. When students graduate from high school, they are expected to go to college to learn more boring things just to get a decent job. Students do not learn how to be an adult in school. Students should be learning how to manage a bank account, how to complete job applications, how to file taxes and other things that are needed to be a productive adult. …show more content…

Teachers should be nicer to students. Teachers need to care about the students. Most teachers think school is boring and since they think that, they should make school more interesting. Elementary teachers go out of their way to make sure students enjoy what they are learning even if it is something boring like History. Once you enter middle and high school teachers do not go the extra mile to make it fun and exciting. This causes students to hate school and drop out early due to boredom. College is a little less boring because you get to pick your own classes so that makes it a little more interesting since you get to learn what you are interested