
Should The Postal Service Be Privatized?

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The postal service in United States is one of the federal government's branches. It is controlled by a postmaster and abroad of governors ( Dehaven, 2010 ). Often this independent organization is called USPS, and it is job responsible for providing postal service in the US. For some people, the Postal service should be privatized because of the competence of other companies such as Fedex and UPS. While others say, it is better to not privatize the U.S. Postal service, and the government should have its control over it. In this article, I will explore this organization and its leadership in the public sector.

Before 1971, the Congress provided postal services to its citizens through United States. Post Office Department considers as a governmental agency that get annual massive support from the Congress. Groups of Congress affected different aspects of the department’s work such as selecting its managers or staff and pricing the new products that post office agency produce. The USPS was created as an …show more content…

There is a lose Around 20 billion dollars from 2007 to 2010, and debts raised to $12 billion. Therefore, the government put the Post Office on its high-risk list. This financial issue may take very long time to be recovered by the postal experts. The decline in USPS occurred because of the sharp drop in mail volume especially the first class mail. The demand for mail received from the postal office has also been falling as a result of shifting to electronic alternatives. Around 85 % of United States Postal Service workers are covered by bargaining agreements. With other provisions, these agreements contain regular increases in the cost of living allowances. The 15 % of workers get regular pay raises through payment for performance program ( Dehaven, 2010 ). All what mentioned referring to the decline in the postal service

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