
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet Be Punished

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Pardoned or Punished? “Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace” (1.1.92). If everyone had listened to the Prince no one would have died. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence, Nurse, and Lord Capulet should all be punished for their crimes. Friar Lawrence should be punished for his actions. One reason is because he married Romeo and Juliet without their parents’ consent. At this time friars weren’t allowed to marry to kids without telling their parents. Another reason is when he hid Romeo after he was supposed to be exiled. “Arise, one knocks. Good Romeo, hide thyself” (3.3.72-73). This was a crime because if Romeo was to be found both of them would be put to death. The final reason that he should be punished is because he gave Juliet a potion that would make her seem dead. This was wrong because all her family would think she died, however, she was really off with Romeo in Mantua. Overall Friar Lawrence should be punished due to him being a part of these crimes. …show more content…

The first reason is when she told Juliet to marry Paris. “I think it best you married with the County. O’ he’s a lovely gentleman” (3.5.218-219). This was wrong because Juliet was already married to Romeo. The second reason is because she kept all of Juliet’s secrets from her parents. This was not okay because she worked for The Capulets and they trusted her to take care of their daughter. The third and final reason she should be punished is because she went to see Romeo after he was exiled. This was a bad decision because she later helped him sneak into the Capulet house. These are all reason why Nurse should be

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