Smokers Have Rights Essay

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Smokers Have Rights HEADLINE: The war on drugs has dramatically decreased the number of drugs produced and taken in the United States! Nobody smokes marijuana anymore, and cocaine is completely out of the picture! If any of those statements were true, placing a ban on smoking in public would make sense. People still smoke marijuana, people still do cocaine, and people will continue smoking cigarettes, even if it is made illegal. Tobacco products have an extremely high tax, therefore helping out the government. Smokers are choosing to pay the extremely outrageous and unfair taxes (In defense of smokers). Why would the government want to take away taxes, and in turn take away money from the government? In fact, taxes on tobacco products brought in nearly fifteen and a half million dollars to the government in 2010 (May, C.). Placing a ban on public smoking would only decrease the number of cigarettes purchased, and thereby decrease government revenue. It is just as simple for a public area to better ventilate a designated area of the facility as it is to ban smoking. Smoking bans have actually decreased the amount of business to bars, clubs, and restaurants. Smokers would rather stay home or go to friends homes who allow smoking, rather than go out and spend their money on businesses who discourage …show more content…

Smokers know the harm they are bringing to their bodies and take full responsibility for the effects on their health. Smoking, for many, is used as a calmer, stress reliever, and even used to help with anxiety. Many people use tobacco products as a way to relax themselves. The chemicals given off from the nicotine can serve to relax a person. The chemicals given off have been proven to soothe ones pain and even strengthen positive emotions (Smoking in public). Smokers are greatly affected by the ban, and feel that it is their personal right to choose whether they should smoke or