
Social Norm Analysis

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I believe in Jay. Throughout childhood we are taught how to act and who to be according to people’s standards. Our parents shape us into the version of themselves that they could never be, the version that lives up to social norms. These social norms dictate the way a person should behave, feel, and look. Simultaneously society is busy reminding us that we must be who they want us to be, they also tell us that self love leads to happiness. Well, as I grew older, more people continuously told me that this wasn’t the case. Apparently profound happiness can only be achieved through society’s further approval. Approval which only appears when you’ve become a gentleman or a lady, there’s no approval for people like me. People that were born and …show more content…

My mind reminds me that God didn’t make a mistake, I am who I’m meant to be. On the other hand, my heart feels I won’t be carefree until I’ve accepted this painful reality. So God must’ve made a mistake, right? Jay is real and he isn’t going away. The simple phrase “boys will be boys” is believed to excuse boys from their actions. However, we don’t say “girls will be girls”, we say “that isn’t ladylike”, but what if I don’t want to be ladylike? Maybe I don’t even want to be a lady at all! Mentioning this makes people scream , “that isn’t right!” But what isn’t right is having to wake up everyday and bottle up who you feel you really are out of fear. Fear is such a powerful thing. Fear can either bestow strength upon you or deprive you of it. Fear kept me from believing in Jay, from unburdening myself of a painful secret. Fear keeps me from a free mindest, corrupting my idea of happiness, thus making me fear happiness itself. This must be dealt with by becoming so absolutely free that my very existence is an act of rebellion. I have reached the point where I’ve grown tired of dealing with ignorance and refuse to put everyone’s happiness before my own. I refuse to allow myself to fear happiness any longer. I’ve constantly put others emotions before mine, believing their happiness would bring me joy. Selflessness will only take you so far, in order to feel true happiness we must be

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