Social Work Personal Statement

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Throughout my academic, professional, and personal experiences, I have been motivated to improve social welfare conditions for under resourced communities and addressing the effects of social change on the community. The opportunity to work on the Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations (CoVal) project at the University of Edinburgh, would further both my academic and personal endeavors in research and practical solutions for the public and non-profit sector.

Before starting my PhD, I worked in the social care sector with youth and families as a Detroit-area youth counsellor, social work and program manager of social services for children and youth with disabilities. This allowed …show more content…

A key responsibility for the organization was to coordinate and conduct professional development such as the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) certification through Multi-Health Systems assessments. In this role, CAFAS sessions were required for practitioners to complete and successfully pass. This required both facilitating and assessing practitioners for CAFAS certification.

As Quality Coordinator, it was my responsibility to coordinate training employees for up to date requirements and compliance for national accreditations, such as Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). In this role, it was also my duty to represent the organization to our both local and State funders. This required ensuring staffs were aware of workplace objectives that met local, State, and Federal funding requirements delivered in quarterly meeting presentations, memos, and consistent communication via one-to-one meetings, or …show more content…

I conducted case studies among three community nonprofit organizations, individual interviews with public and government funders, resulting in 23 interviews. I utilized semi-structured interviews among key stakeholders, observation and documentation analyses. Relating to my research I have published a chapter in volume 5 of Emerald Publishing Group book series, Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance, the aim of the book series is Governance and Performance in Public and Non-Profit Organizations. My chapter, titled Literature Review: Measuring and Assessing Organizational Performance for Non-Profits, Contextually Sensitive Standards and Measures for the Non-Profit Organization, published in

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