Squealer, By George Orwell: The Greed Of Pigs

401 Words2 Pages
The author doesn't only show the greed of the pigs once, he repeatedly
shows the greed of the pigs throughout the story. Only a few pages after the last quote, the author writes "The order went forth that all the windfall apples were to be collected and brought to the harness-room for the use of the pigs," this sentence, and the sentence showing Squealer lying to the animals about the apples, shows the pig's desire for the apples.
The pigs represent the government, and the rich people, therefore the words are saying that the government would lie for their own benefit.

The pigs aka the government or the rich are mocked for things other then their excessive greed. It is shown in the book, the pigs get lazier. However in a way being lazier

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