
Staffing Memo

992 Words4 Pages


To: Chief Executive Officer

From: Human Resource Director

Date: December 2nd, 2017

Re: Approval of Recruitment and Employee Staffing

Enclosed is a critical evaluation of methods that the organization may use in recruitment and staffing of employees in the organization regarding the responsibility that I was assigned. The provided proposal analyzes the optimal recruitment and staffing approaches for the company. It reviews the several approaches that the organization may use in the recruitment and staffing of high-level management personnel. It evaluates each option by use of the cost-benefit approach method and recommends the best applicable means that can be used by the organization. I would be grateful for your final review of my proposal. Please let me know if you would like me to walk through any aspects of these documents.

Thank you.


HR Director.

Recruitment and Staffing Proposal


The human resources of an organization are critical to its growth and success. They play an important role in ensuring that the company aligns towards its objectives. As such, it is necessary for organizations to put in place a comprehensive plan for acquiring and retaining …show more content…

The process commences when an organization identifies the need to employ new staff. It relates to a specific set of actions that an organization can use with the objective of attracting job candidates that possess the capabilities, knowledge, and skills necessary to achieve its objectives (Flamholtz, 2012). It is important to consider that the organization is concerned with the recruitment and selection of staff holding senior positions. As such, the methods of recruitment that it should be considering are specific in nature and are thus specifically designed for managerial positions. The organization has the option to recruit from internal or external

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