Standardized Testing Informative/Explanatory Essay

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Tajae Hinds 12.18.14
Government Per. 1
Research a topic that is widely debated in the United States. Write an informative/explanatory essay that explains the debate topic and the argument amongst Americans.

Should the United States schools put so much emphasis on Standardized Tests?
In a growing number of states, scores on standardized tests weigh heavily in determining whether a 10 year old advances to the next grade with their classmates or whether a teen can get his high school diploma. Tests scores also determine which teachers keep their jobs, how much those teachers are paid and even which public schools are shut down or turned over to private management. Students complain about the test prep and the constant reviewing. But do we really need to put all this emphasis on standardized tests and scores? Schools are under tremendous pressure to raise scores. Testing, it seems, has become more of a focus than teaching. The goal of setting high standards for all is a noble one, but not as necessary as we think. …show more content…

Are we measuring intelligence and practical ability, or are we simply measuring test taking ability? Standardized tests are an unreliable measure of student performance and measure only a small portion of what makes education meaningful. According to late education researcher Gerald W. Bracey, PhD, qualities that standardized tests cannot measure include creativity, resilience, motivation, persistence, endurance, reliability, enthusiasm, empathy, self-awareness, self-discipline, leadership, civic-mindedness, courage, compassion, resourcefulness, honesty, and integrity. These qualities are not deliberated by a No.2 Ticonderoga pencil, paper and a test