Standardized Testing Persuasive Essay

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For the Love of Standardized Tests Take a minute to think about the various standardized tests you have taken throughout your life. All over the world, throughout elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, and graduate schools, standardized tests are used to determine one’s level of intelligence. I know what you are thinking, these tests are old fashioned, repetitive, and a poor indication of a person’s knowledge, but you are incorrect. Standardized tests are the perfect way to evaluate self-worth because they include all aspects of an individual. I mean what else really matters in life besides math, science, reading, and english?LC#1 It’s easy to identify someone’s qualities based on their ACT or SAT scores. For example, if I see that you got a 25 on your ACT, I can immediately tell that you are a star athlete, an amazing singer, you are sincere, you get average grades, you always pay attention in class, you help others whenever given the chance, you live a healthy lifestyle, you are a leader, and you are obviously a book worm.SD2 You see how a single number next to a name can help distinguish …show more content…

Standardized testing is also proven to decrease the stress and anxiety levels of children, teens, and young adults.SD3 Due to the limited subjects and material included in these tests, students don’t have to worry about studying anything else! Oh and I almost forgot, the amount of time these tests allow is perfect for everyone! The ACT for example, gives a full minute to complete one multistep math problem, how nice is that!SD1 Seventy-five english questions in forty-five minutes is a breeze, take it for someone who took the ACT four times. These tests are perfectly designed so that students never feel the urge to cheat or use performance enhancing drugs. For the people who dread taking these tests, just remember that it’s not like