Star Wars History Essay

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Star Wars A History Rough Draft

The creation of Star Wars was influenced by many things in George Lucas’ life. It is his personification of real life, there is war and hate but also peace and union.This idea has a luminous future in store and will only grow from now on.Star Wars is the story of a free spirit boy who learns the ways of the Jedi Knights. Created by George Lucas Star Wars was a hit blockbuster, people couldn’t get enough of this war in space. In all there are nine movie scripts, two more movies are on their way after Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It’s good to know that this series won’t be ending soon, it is something that is familiar to all people. Many generations grew up watching these movies, it has found a home in many people’s …show more content…

The Star Wars saga was just the beginning. At the start of it all George first wanted to be a race car driver but after an accident he discovered his love for the movie camera. To help him achieve his dreams, Francis Ford Coppola made George his apprentice. He mentored George and got him into the filming business. The first movie was called Star Wars but it was later renamed Star War: A New Hope. After making the first Star Wars movie George went on to making Indiana Jones: Raiders Of The Lost Ark, with the help of Steven Spielberg as the director, American Graffiti, and Red Tails. His first movie, THX-1138 4EB, was a disaster in theater but after making American Graffiti he won his confidence back and made the second Star Wars movie, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. The idea for the Evil Empire came from the Soviet Union, the actual name Star Wars came from a missile system. The creation of Star Wars was seen as toughening war tensions and making space militarized. George was looking to create a high tech mythology story but instead he created an action packed adventure. Star Wars first introduced new advances in technology during the time, the movie got Oscars for Film Editing and Sound Effects. Though it cost 10 million dollars to make box offices made back that and much more, letting George Lucas go on to create the rest of the