
Statement Of Purpose For NHS

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As the treasurer of the National Honor Society, I invest a good portion of my time contributing to NHS. I love to generate ideas to earn money for organizations we chose to support, and plan out social events that involve volunteering while having fun. Although my title is only treasurer, I tend to share my ideas amongst other officers and aid them when they are in need. Through the influence of NHS, I developed the impulse of helping family, friends, and strangers when they need it. Every Thursday, when general and executive meetings are over, the secretaries have to stay longer because of attendance logs, those who paid off their dues check list, and many other responsibilities. I often stay after with them, assisting the secretaries to get the job done faster. There have been multiple times when I would stay two hours longer than I should have, but I don’t resent any of the officers for taking longer than usual because being an officer is not an easy job. We have the responsibility of keeping our club prestigious, and other keeping up with other responsibilities in our life. …show more content…

For the past three months, I have been working at Chipotle 25 hours a week. Working at this franchise is not an easy task, and requires a great amount of labor. There are times when I come home feeling exhausted, but I still put in a lot of effort to study and do homework. I am dedicated to being one of the top people at my school, and maintaining 3.655 un-weighted and a 4.455 weighted grand point average definitely is not easy. Being in the biomedical program at Northwest, I am constantly study for tests and quizzes, and attending AP Chemistry is not a piece of cake. At the end of a school day I usually feel drained, but NHS gives me an energy boost because of the members and

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