Statement Of Purpose Of Rushcliffe School In A Communist Ideology

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If Rushcliffe School was to be run in a Communist ideology, then no student would be left to fail with everyone being given equal opportunities to succeed (or 'the chance to shine brightly'), and would gain credit for the effort that they make. After establishing the communist regime there would be no overall leadership, or hierarchy, at the school so that there will be no divide between separate groups within the school with equality being the main aim of the school and communism. In this ideal communist school each person will be given what they need, for example, individual tutoring or a textbook, thus helping the individual to learn in a way that suits them best, in addition to this everyone would be taken care of and vital learning equipment – pens, pencils and books – would be given to the students by the school, to give all students an equal basis to learn. This is how Rushcliffe school would be run in a communist fashion to bring about equality. …show more content…

But, in reality instead of there being no hierarchy there would be a large gap between the Headteacher & staff and the students, where staff would be the totalitarian ruling class that would that uses fear and intimidation carried out by teachers to keep everyone in line, and working through the tough conditions. All students would be equal, however this would result in no-one achieving a higher grade than others and therefore a students would put in little effort as the correlation between grades and effort would disappear. The quality of learning and teaching would suffer as a result of using old methods because of a lack of funding and as the leadership would cut the school off from another school. The leadership would also take control of all information such as school radio & newspapers to spread propaganda and to prevent any anti-communist messages being spread, this would prevent students from