Howard Gardner's Theory Of Multiple Intelligence

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The theory of Multiple Intelligences is a concept of intelligence that differentiates intelligence into separate abilities rather than seeing it as dominated by a single general ability. Howard Gardner 's theory argues that traditional conceptions of intelligence that are based on verbal and abstract reasoning skills do not adequately encompass the wide variety of abilities humans display. He further proposed that there could be eight different kinds of intelligence that apply in the diverse range of human functioning (McGreal, 2013). The eight intelligence includes Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical-Mathematical, Musical, Naturalistic, Verbal-Linguistic and Visual-Spatial. Gardner believes that these eight intelligences are independent, in that they develop at separate times …show more content…

Those who hold this traditional view, believe that intelligence can be measured and expressed by a single number, such as Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests. Common IQ tests include the Stanford-Binet tests and Wechsler Scale which both measures intellectual and cognitive abilities in children and adults. The idea is that the underlying general intelligence influences performance on such cognitive assessments (Cherry, 2016). However, Gardner proposed that numerical expressions of human intelligence does not accurately represent people’s abilities. Another significance difference includes the different perspectives on whether intelligence is nature or nurture. Proponents of general intelligence conceive intelligence as an innate trait. In contrast, MI theory perceive of intelligence as a combination of inborn potentials and skills that can be cultivated in various manners through experiences (Davis et al., 2011). In order words, Spearman considers intelligence to be natural while Gardner views that intelligence can be