
Steve Jobs Accomplishments

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Everywhere we go, in over half of American households, in all our children’s hands, are you picturing what I am? The answer, an Apple product. Built into our own economy and everyday lives, we simply can't escape it. Growing up in sunny California, there seemed to be no direction to Steve Job’s life. Dropping out of college and experimenting with psychedelics, who knew what would happen next? Using his revolutionary imagination and his compulsion to strive, Steve Jobs, the face of the infamous Apple Incorporated, changed electronic science by introducing the world to a new idea of personalized tech. Growing up in the 1950s and 60s Jobs was being introduced to many new types of electronic sciences that most definitely influenced his future. …show more content…

Living a simple life Jobs, attended Reed College in Portland oregon, but soon high prices caused him to drop out. “Although he dropped out after only one semester he continued attending classes at Reed, such as one in calligraphy, while sleeping on the floor in friends' rooms, returning Coke bottles for food money, and getting weekly free meals at the local Hare Krishna temple.” (Michael Lewis) creates a vivid representation of Job’s college years. Dropping out of college and desperately trying to stay afloat, he began to take a different path in his life than expected which would soon lead to greater opportunities. Many years later after finding his path and creating a future for himself and the world tragedy struck, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. ABC news quoted Jobs, documenting "’I have some personal news that I need to share with you, and I wanted you to hear it directly from me," the email read. Dan Childs and Kevin Dolak revisit this tragic time, "I had a very rare form of pancreatic cancer called an islet cell neuroendocrine tumor, which represents about 1 percent of the total cases of pancreatic cancer diagnosed each year, and can be cured by surgical removal if diagnosed in time (mine was). I will not require any chemotherapy or radiation treatments.'' Although he insisted he could continue his legacy and work the cancer took over his life …show more content…

It was more expensive than its major competitor, the IBM PC. The difference was the user interface. Consumers embraced it and paid a premium for it. Jobs demonstrated that people wanted—and would pay for—good user interface design. Today, we take the GUI for granted so much that it is difficult to think of other types of user interfaces.” (Robert Jacob). The new computer impressed so many buyers immediately that in the later years of technology produced by Jobs and his company they often looked past other interfaces and straight to the name they’ve heard for so long, Apple. Apple computers were not the only device that set standards and created a sense of trust with the consumer and producer, Iphones and tablets changed the game forever. John Markoff explained this legacy by stating, “Although smartphones were already commonplace, the iPhone dispensed with a stylus and pioneered a touch-screen interface that quickly set the standard for the mobile computing market.” When Jobs introduced the new style, people were so enthralled he adapted to personal needs, the phone market was remade into something new. In the modern age you will rarely find a phone without bluetooth, a

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