Street Hope Organizational Change Theory

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Theory of Change The following theory of change proposed for Street Hope TN comes in response to an analysis of their current state as an organization, the mission and goals they desire to accomplish, and the discrepancies in the organization that hinder these accomplishments. Problems and Needs. The current problems and needs of Street Hope TN is that as an organization Street Hope is understaffed with only one full-time staff member being the Executive Director, Devin Payne. That leaves Devin Payne to schedule trainings, speaking events, prayer meetings, keeping up with the blog and newsletter, connecting with church and community partners, as well as doing all the office work, that is a full-time job within itself. Street Hope also has …show more content…

As the previous assessment of the problems and needs of Street Hope TN demonstrated, the organization requires a large amount of development. The desired impact of this theory of change is to build the organization's financial resources, hire additional employees, and build better programming, all with the goal of better reaching the Knoxville community. Additionally, another goal, or desired impact, of this change is to better equip Street Hope TN to more effectively and efficiently work towards their mission. Available Resources. Street Hope has great church and community partners. In the next 3 years Street Hope will continue to strengthen those partnerships as well as create new ones. This will be done by keeping regular contact with current partners through emails with the newsletter and blog post, phone calls and quarterly in person meetings. As well as recruiting volunteers from within the church to volunteer with Street …show more content…

Without the funds to hire more staff, the organization will not be able develop programming past their current state. Staffing (Year 2). For year 2 of the strategic plan, the organization is in need of more full-time staff members in order to be able to add more programming in year 3. The first staff member that would be added would be an Office Assistant (see appendix A for job description.) Currently all the responsibilities fall on Devin Payne, the Executive Director. Having an Office Assistant will allow the Executive Director to spend more time focusing on upcoming programming and projects focused on awareness and prevention, without being caught up in the everyday task of office. Next Street Hope TN will hire a Volunteer Coordinator (see Appendix B for job description.) This person will first be in charge of the current volunteer as well as recruiting more volunteers. The Volunteer Coordinator will also be key in the growth of Street Hope TN with year 3 of strategic plan when new programs are