Student Led Lessons

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Student Led Lesson Requirements 1. Story must be approved by the teacher. 2. Student must turn in a lesson plan by the date due. 3. Students must request materials or photocopies at least 24 hours in advance. 4. Student must give background information some way creative. (Ex. PowerPoint, Prezi, Web Quest, etc.) 5. Student must cover vocabulary and literary devices. 6. Student must show knowledge of their subject. 7. Student must keep class participating and make sure they understand what is going on in the story. 8. Students must have some sort of assessment for the class that they will grade at the end of the story (Ex. Quiz, puzzles, questions at the end of the chapter, Kahoot, Quia, etc.). 9. Student must use creativity. What Should be Included in Your Lesson Plan? …show more content…

Name of presenters and story being taught. 2. Background information: author, time period, culture, basic things students will need to know to understand what is happening in the story. 3. Vocabulary: how are you going to present the stories vocabulary to the class (Ex. crossword, pull sticks with students names on them)? Note: if the story is in the literature book, the vocabulary should be given by the company for you to use. 4. Literary terms: if the story is in the literature book, the literature terms should be given by the company for you to use. 5. Reading: how will the class read the story? Together? Individually? With a partner? As a group? 6. Check for understanding: how will you assess the students comprehension of the story? Quiz? Questions at the end? Art project? Game? Journal? *Remember that you will be grading these! Example Lesson Plan Teachers: Maggie Weatherwax and Adrienne North Story: “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty Page #