
Summary: Customer Service At Datatronics

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Customer Service at Datatronics
Durga Reddy Koranda
IST 7100 – 2015
Wilmington University Table of Contents
Background 3
Recommendations 4
Analysis 6
Appendices 7

Background E-Z RP is an end-to-end, fully integrated CRM/ERP/Service management suit for small and medium size enterprises. E-Z RP was a user friendly, integrated and flexible service-based product. The module are accessible over the web and hosted on the data center at E-Z RP itself. E-Z RP product package includes training and great service. All these features made E-Z RP a great successful product in the market. On the other hand Datatronics is a big corporate vulture and E-Z RP’s success attracted Datatronics and it has taken over the E-Z RP. Datatronics had multiple …show more content…

For example, when a new product is launched into market the company will have to enable a good customer service for it. Let us consider the product cost as $1000 and the Company has invested $5000 for the customer service. If they have 20 Customers initially and they all started calling the Service helpdesk with their problems and recommendations. The income for the company from 20 customers is $20,000. The product development team should implement all these coming up through the CSR channel and supply it to their existing customers. This will make these customer happy and the happy customer will spread the word on the quality of the product which will ultimately bring more new customers to the product. At this point of time as the product has all the customer desired features, the number of calls to the service helpdesk will decrease even though the customer base is increased. So the Customer Service operational cost remains the same but the sales increases and hence the revenues grow. It is also possible for cross selling the other products to the satisfied customers. This is another way of increasing the overall organization’s …show more content…

Datatronics is an organization which looks at Customer Service as unnecessary expenditure. They think that there is no profit made out of it. The organization announced a 10% cut in the budget every year for Customer Service. Jennifer Merkley, the head Datatronics honcho has decides to handover the Customer Service responsibilities to Matt. Though Matt was reluctant to take this role he was finally convinced and took up this position. The position was basically to replace Vish Singh. Vish Singh was former head of Customer Service and moving to India to open the new Branch in Bangalore. For Matt it is a real challenge for him because of two reasons. Firstly, the culture at His former and new companies are completely different. Second reason is that he was a development manager and he has no experience in handling the Customer Service wing. During his initial days in Customer Service at Datatronics he reviewed few reports and understands the problems in it. When Matt complains Joel, CIO of Datatronics Joel explains the budget situation to Matt and asks him to prepare a plan for improvements without any extra cost. Joel does not really believe in customer support functions. Datatronics has invested a huge amount in putting the new IVR system Pamela.
Below are the few problems in Customer Service in Datatronics.
1. There

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