
Summary Of Living Through The Robotic Moment By Sherry Turrkle

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Sherry Turkle uses knowledge, experience and extensive research to explain the negative effects of technology in her piece “Living Through the Robotic Moment.” She explains that technology is what is slowly taking over, therefore diminishing a lot of human interaction. She challenges her readers to rethink the definition of living when living to some people is their social status. Or your fake life that you created to escape your real one. Turkle argues that technology is causing deterioration in society, and that it is only going to get worse. Sherry is a Harvard graduate with a bachelors of arts in social studies, and has joint degrees in doctorate in sociology and personality psychology. She has been studying the relationship between technology and the human race for over thirty years, and just recently released a book in 2021 called The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir. The book goes into grave detail about her research on technology, and ethics. She is currently a professor at Massachusetts Institute Of Technology. …show more content…

She backs up her research with reason and fact to make her readers think deeper about her argument. I feel as if she was trying to make her readers question the existence of technology, and ask themselves if technology was for or against our benefit. She wrote in such a way that it was relatable to almost everyone. She makes very good points for both sides of the argument, but I think she ultimately thinks of technology as negative. Some quotes that support my theory are “People report feeling let down when they move from virtual to real life. Also, “When we go to places such as Facebook where we think we will simply be ourselves, we end up playing roles, caught up in self-presentation.”She did not disclude herself when talking about everyone being sucked into technology. She understands that she is also a victim to the ongoing

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