
Summary Of Telling Human Stories Creating Human Engineering By Barry Holmont

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I am writing to support Barry Belmont for the 2018 Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize, specifically for his project on “Telling Human Stories, Creating Human Engineers.” I have known Dr. Belmont from being a student in his Engineering 100 class as well as from having occasional conversations with him related to Biomedical Engineering. Having known him for more than seven months, I feel qualified to say that Dr. Belmont should win this prize.

As a student in Dr. Belmont’s ENGR 100 class, I got to see firsthand his approach to a human-centric mode of teaching and learning engineering. Each of his lectures centered on a unique theme that was based on the chapters in the novel “Fallen Leaves: Last Words on Life, Love, War, and God” by Will …show more content…

Belmont manages to find the perfect balance between teaching a concept and teaching the potential for that concept to impact lives. This allowed us, as students, to understand the importance of what we were learning, be much more engaged in the content, and relate to the content on a personal level. This was a strange experience because for once, instead of just having concepts thrown at us, we were truly being immersed in the concept leaving us more prepared to apply said concept immediately after learning it. This had a large impact on my learning because I was able to firmly grasp the concept the first time around. With most Engineering classes, class time is spent teaching a concept, and the professors expect students to spend time outside of class to truly understand how to apply that concept. With Dr. Belmont’s thought-provoking example of the applications of the concepts we learned, the learning of the concept and the understanding of its application was all done in half of the time it would have taken in any other class. Moreover, each and every lecture inspired me to look at the world differently. If a professor is able to incite an impromptu after class discussion among his students with each lecture, it must be clear that he is truly excelling at his

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