Summary Of The Link Between Videogames And Violence

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The Link Between Videogames and Violence
Joshua P. Nguyen
Psych 1
University of California, Santa Cruz

There is a common belief that a link between videogames and aggressive or dangerous behaviors exist. The New York Times author, Benedict Carey, begins the article by referencing mass shootings such as Columbine High School and the Aurora, Colorado movie theater while also mentioning the shooters as being gamers. Violence in video games has drastically increased over the years becoming ever more intense and realistic and with that, the possibility of increased short or long-term hostile behavior. A study tested this theory by having a group of students distribute hot sauce to a fellow student, who disliked hot sauce, after playing a violent …show more content…

Defined as “research methodology that determines to what extent two variables, traits, or attributes are related” (Gerrig, 2013, p.27) with, in this case, the two variables being videogames and violence. Take the hot sauce experiment, for example, as it demonstrates how playing violent videogames can be tied to the excess of hot sauce given to the student, representing a positive correlation. On the other hand, Carey states how “The proliferation of violent video games has not coincided with spikes in youth violent crime. The number of violent youth offenders fell by more than half between 1994 and 2010, to 224 per 100,000 population, according to government statistics, while video game sales have more than doubled since 1996” Carey, B. (2013, February 11) Shooting in the Dark. This is representing a negative correlation as the factor of videogame sales is increasing while the factor of violent youth offenders is decreasing. This, however, doesn’t exclude the apparent possibility of a third variable that acts as the underlying determinant in a correlation. That being said, the correlation between violent videogames and aggressive behavior could bear a third variable such as personality, mental instability, age, or socialization. Regardless of how clear the correlation is to determine, there will always be the involvement of deeper thinking and analyzing that goes pass the two main …show more content…

The problem with this is that “Based on these studies, the media, lawmakers, and researchers often imply a link between violent video games and violent criminal behavior.” Markey, M., Markey C., French, J. (2014, p. 277) Violent Video Games and Real-World Violence: Rhetoric Versus Data. Such implications are referenced to the mass shootings that have occurred in which the shooters happened to be gamers, to which videogames are then associated with real-world violence. It comes down to determining whether or not violent videogames serve a positive correlation to real-world violence. Using the same methodology of having two groups in a controlled situation where one plays a violent game and the other a nonviolent game for a short amount of time, then having their mental cognitions measured. Results prove that the individuals that played the violent games had more aggressive behaviors than those that didn’t and are more likely to act in a hostile and assertive manner. But when comparing videogame sales and violent crimes the correlation turned out negative or unrelated. The link between behavior and videogames proves a positive correlation but comparisons to aggravated assaults result in a negative correlation and irrelevant to