Supervisor Training In Interpersonal Communication And Law Enforcement Practice

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First line supervisors are model officers of their respective agencies. Therefore, supervisor training in criminal justice organizations is paramount to its legitimacy, credibility, performance, and survival. Research indicates that supervisor conduct and support are key elements in the successful accomplishment of tasks and goals. The manner in which a supervisor leads and supports the employees under his supervision is a result of his training (Knies, & Leisink, 2014). Therefore, supervisors should be carefully selected for their ability to demonstrate practical, humanistic, and conceptual skills in interpersonal communication and law enforcement practice. They should also be chosen because they have demonstrated the requisite nature and …show more content…

Conceptual training would have provided him with the necessary knowledge and skills to “analyze and diagnose” the facts in this situation and devise an appropriate response to Johnson’s concerns before it became an agency disciplinary issue (Stojkovic, et al., 2015, p.239). Furthermore, humanistic training would have provided Sgt. Rick with insight on how to care and support the family lives of subordinate officers, thus, aiding and facilitating their supervision, as well as, in the achievement of organizational goals (Stojkovic, et al., …show more content…

Furthermore, supervisor burnout is a matter of significant concern for organizations because it’s believed to be contagious. Research suggests that supervisor burnout can influence burnout in employees, which can significantly impact the performance of the employees, the unit, and thus, organization goals (Cullen, 2014). To address this phenomena, I, as an administrator would put in place policies, procedures, and strategies that select and provide clear and reasonable expectations of supervisors and employees, provide yearly training to maintain their competency, and give them recognition, thus, show that their work is valuable to the organization and its achievement of goals.

Chullen, C. (2014). Burnout contagion in supervisor-subordinate dyads. Business and management research, 3(2), 67-80. doi:10.5430/bmr.v3n2p67
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2014). Leadership behavior in public organizations: A study of supervisory support by police and medical center middle managers. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 34(2), 108-127. doi:10.1177/0734371X13510851
Russell, L. M. (2014). An empirical investigation of high-risk occupations leader influence on employee stress and burnout among police. Management research

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