Supporting The Development Of Literacy Skills In The Classroom

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To build this connection, educators encourage the students to move from their home language through to the use of less context-complicated literate discourses as required by the modern-day school curriculum. To build these connections, educators must ensure they observe the language skills of their students and model what language the students should be using in the classroom. Educators must acknowledge the vocabulary, ideas and knowledge base of their students. They then must encourage the code-switching student to interact, converse with, and learn more from their peers and educators (Villegas & Lucas, 2007).
There are many models which support the development of literacy skills in the classroom. Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that …show more content…

These skills include leadership, cooperation, flexibility, responsibility, and use of digital technologies. These types of activities also help students with self-regulation, as well as being able to reflect on their learning experiences in the collaborative environment. For effective communication in the 21st century classroom, educators and students must actively participate in rich and meaningful conversations and discussions. It is essential they utilise twenty-first century communication tools including video and audio conferencing, learning management systems (LMS), social media, Google Drive and Gmail (Schinkten, 2015, para.1). Attentive listening is required when collaborating in a culturally-diverse environment, and students must be capable of delivering an oral presentation (Laughlin, 2014, p.88). Creativity in the classroom must be encouraged so that ideas are regularly generated within the collaborative classroom environment. Students must be encouraged to design and refine their original ideas, with an attitude of openness and encouragement being adopted by all students. Students must be provided the opportunity to implement their own ideas whilst working cooperatively with other students in the group, enabling them to find solutions to challenging situations. They must also be able to self-regulate and reflect on the information created and shared within the group environment. It is also important that critical thinking is implemented so that constant new discoveries are being made. Students should be able to interpret and analyse the information that they have discovered, thinking about the discovered information in a logical manner. Students should be encouraged to contribute to the group project so that the group project can be completed in a timely manner. Critical thinking also encourages students to learn the required content and master the ideas that they have

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