
Taking A Look At Mattel

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It was the year 1945, and a new company was beginning to be brought to life. Ruth and Elliot Handler and Harold “Matt” Matson were the ones who gave life to Mattel as they started the company working out of a garage workshop in Southern California. By 1955, Mattel was valued at $500,000 and well on its way to becoming the world’s number one selling toy brand (Mattel.com). The company grew and grew, becoming something bigger and better with each year. Their growth was, in part, due to their understanding of being able to give their customers what they wanted. They began by selling picture frames and continued to grow into the Mattel that is known by the world today (Mattel.com). They grew into the Mattel that is known for being the best at making toys and games that are loved by kids and families alike.
Mattel offers a wide range of games and products for every age group of boys, girls, and adults. The most popular brands with Mattel’s consumers are Barbie, American Girl, Fisher Price and Hot Wheels. Each of these brands comes with a wide range of subcategories within that one brand Mattel’s success is represented through their sustainable competitive advantage …show more content…

Just in time is a ‘pull’ system of production. In this system, actual orders start the production of the items to be produced. Demand pull is when a firm makes sure to produce only what they have to; it is in the exact quantity of the product and at the correct time. In that case, it isn’t until they are needed that the supplies for production are brought to the production line. Those products are then shipped according to delivery schedules that its customers state; this delivery time is usually within three months. In the toy industry, a trend of just-in-time inventory is becoming more frequent. This trend has made there be less advanced orders which causes there to be a fewer number of backlog orders (MATTEL, INC. 2013 Annual

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