Target Behavior: Case Study

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EFV GMA Task 1:

A1. Describe the target behavior:

When given a non-preferred task, specifically a difficult independent work involving reading comprehension or math problem solving by his 4th grade general education teacher in Dexter’s classroom, Dexter 9 out 10 times flaps his hands speaks loudly and refuses to do the task until he is removed from class. Thereby avoiding all steps of completing the work.

A2. Determine the antecedents/triggers for the target behavior:

Prior to the target behavior, his 4th grade teacher in the classroom assigns a task to complete on his own that is challenging for Dexter involving reading comprehension or math problem solving. Although Dexter has glasses to correct his Myopia, he refuses to wear …show more content…

Identify the function of the target behavior:

The function of Dexter’s behavior is to avoid doing individual work that is difficult for him. He also avoids the stress of the work. A4. Identify the consequences of the target …show more content…

Accommodation: Preferential seating 2. Accommodation: Breaks
B4a: Explain how your suggestions help support the student:

1. Due to Dexter’s issues with his vision added to his noncompliance of wearing corrective lenses, it is crucial that Dexter, when necessary, sit close enough to the whiteboard to be able to see written information, as well as hear it. Other times, the best location for his seat will be dependent on the expected learning outcome. It is important that where Dexter is seated helps him learn in the classroom.
2. Dexter’s function of his behavior in class is to avoid doing non-preferential work. That is also true when he enters a large group setting like PE, music, the cafeteria, or art class. His replacement behavior is to take a short, well defined breaks when he is expected to participate in non-preferential tasks. Allowing him breaks as an accommodation in all school settings is one part of reinforcing his replacement behavior. The replacement behavior is acceptable both in school and socially.

C. Describe a data collection tool that you would use to document the student’s progress using the replacement behavior in