Teacher Cadet Essay

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I believe being a teacher is such an important job. The desire to fill young minds with knowledge and excitement about learning! I have always known that I wanted to make a difference in society and I think teaching would be a great way to do that! I thoroughly enjoy helping people and through teacher cadet I could assist the teachers and the students in a positive way. I currently work at a dance studio where I teach younger kids myself and I believe working with these kids for the past 3 years has allowed me to develop relationship building skills that I can carry over to this program. In this program I have 3 main goals I would like to reach. I would like to learn more about the educational field, gain experience and help be a role model …show more content…

Whether it is teaching through my dance studio or pursuing a teaching career. As a result of joining the program I will see all the good that comes from teaching and all the exciting things that I look forward to experiencing when I hopefully have a classroom of my own! In joining the program I will also be able to see the obstacles that come with teaching and how to overcome those and figure out what the smartest way to work through challenges would be. Teacher cadet will also allow me to get a better insight into what grade level I would prefer to teach in the future. I want to be able to use my teacher cadet experience to reach my goals and help get a jump start on my educational career while continuing to further my own education. I am hoping through this program I can strengthen my current abilities and learn new ones. I feel I already have good communication skills, organization and time management skills. However, I am hoping to improve those skills even more and learn about stress tolerance, proactiveness, team-work and other teacher qualities. I am also hoping through my experience during teacher cadet I can help be a role model to the students and positively influence them the way so many