Teaching Philosophy Statement

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As a teacher, I believe, teaching is simply a tool we use in order to help our students begin to discover, create, explore, and understand the world around them. I know that this is a process with the end goal being that my students will eventually be independent and ready to self-educate. The art of teaching begins with us striving to give students the basic skills and knowledge they need to survive from day to day. My hope is that the students, with time, will begin to expand on each skill, independently, and later use those skills to gain more enriching experiences and eventually cultivate their own knowledge. My ultimate goal with teaching is to open my student’s minds and welcome them to question everything. Today, people fear questions where as I welcome all questions. I want my students to seek knowledge; to pursue answers that others may be afraid to learn. I want to use teaching as a way to quench the thirst my students have to understand the world but also continue to give them the tools and skills they …show more content…

Students must know that they are cared for and that they are safe to be open and honest in my pressence. They need to see that their ideas are important and will never be discounted or discredited but potentially challenged. The importance in challenging the students is that it makes them think critically and analyze why they believe what they believe. Challenging them only pushes them to further explore and learn. In their explorations they will, hopefully, teach their fellow classmates, and possibly even myself, something we did not previously know or understand. The beauty of teaching being a tool lies deep within the possibilities that can develop from the use of this tool. All people can use tools to help others; and while typically teachers and students believe it is only the job of the educator to teach the student, my hope is that my students will teach