Technology Vs Screen Time Essay

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In today's world we are constantly exposed to technology. Whether it be television, tablets, phones, computers, or laptops; it is a predominant part of our lives. With technology being so present and important in our everyday lives we expose our children to the world of technology from a young age. While it seems easy to quiet down fussing children by sitting them down in front of a television or tablet for a few hours, it may be having more negative effects than originally anticipated. Children of this time are being exposed to more screen time than recommended. states that 29% of infants under one year of age are watching television or any other screen for an average of 90 minutes a day. As the children age the amount of screen time they are exposed to increases. Almost 65% of toddlers and babies ages 2-3 are watching …show more content…

Screens are being brought into childrens bedrooms which have impact of their sleep patterns. states that children under the age of three begin to develop irregular sleep patterns when exposed to screens. Children ages 6-12 get sleep disturbances when absorbing copious amounts of screen time. More and more young children are being exposed to excessive screen time. This gets out of hand when the screens enter the bedrooms at night. 23% of children under the age of one already have a television in their bedrooms. The number jumps to 36% of toddlers aged 2-3 having televisions in their bedroom ( 2014). Kristen Knutson, PhD, Assistant professor in the University of Chicago Department of Medicine says , “The estimate was that 90 percent of parents in the poll reported sleep durations below what we would recommend for children. And that’s even after we lowered the bar. (Kristen Knutson 2016)” This is linked to the technology becoming harder to put down as children become