Teenage Social Media Butterflies Might Not Be Such A Bad Thing

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Social Networking sites are taking over the world, but why is that such a bad thing? Social media is portrayed in movies and the news to be

a one way ticket to your child getting hurt. But how much of that is true? I

believe that social media is actually doing more good than harm.

Some people would say that social media (mostly parents) is

harming our generation, but that isn’t true, social media has reportedly no

changes in how our generation of people behave, like said on paragraph

4 in the article Teenage Social Media Butterflies Might Not Be Such A Bad

Thing ”In one new study,13- and 14-year-olds on social networking sites in

simply a ways that were consistent with their offline relationships …show more content…

I can understand why parents are so worried about letting their

children use social media, one main reason I believe is that parents

believe that either they don’t think their child’s mature enough or that their

afraid that their child will be harmed emotionally. But according to the

website cyberbullying research center http://cyberbullying.org/facts,

after surveying 15000 students from 98 different schools they found that

28% of people have been cyberedbullied at some point in their life, 10%

said that they were cyberedbullied in the last 30 days before the survay,

and 16% of those survaid admitted they at some point cyberedbullied

someone 6% of which in the last 30 days before the survay. Now keeping

this in mind out of 15000 students those percentages don’t seem very

bad, so it doesn’t seem very likely that your child will be subject to

cyberbullying. But if the reason that you keep your child away from social

media is because you believe their not mature enough that comes down

to how much you really know your