
Tell Tale Heart Persuasive Essay

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The Tell Tale Cœurfrench for (Heart) Paragraph 1] Introduction Paragraph 2] life lesson 1 Paragraph 3] life lesson 2 Paragraph 4] conclusion “But why will you say that I am mad?” One of the quotes from Tell-Tale Heart, Let's go book is about a man who wants to kill this older man. When he did succeed he hid the body. When the police arrived because the neighbor said he heard something From the house. Then the police\ stay for awhile then he felt guilty and he became more nervous, After a while he showed the police where we hid the body. One of the life lessons is do not get consumed to doing a wrong action.The narrator Had started stalking and then wanted to kill the old man because he had a falcon eye that was disturbing him. This leads to a life lesson,what you should do if something is bothering so bad it makes you want to something wrong. Many things you can do is, one tell to a counselor or talk to somebody about it not actually kill the guy. but he got so consumed to do the wrong thing that that one night he killed the man and hid the body when he killed him, when the police came over he felt even more guilty about the body . So what the like listening is to not get consumed with something action that might get you in trouble in …show more content…

What the example from the book is is when the police came in and stayed for a longer. Of time and he heard a loud noise in his ear that kept on getting louder and louder and saw the place where he hid the body the door was starting to flop up and down and then soon he got so aggravated he just quit it all together and showed the police the body.Guilt is an emotion that acts on you feelings, and that happened here, guilt took over. The point is that if you guilty you should be honest in your actions, and talk out

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