
Terms And Mission Of City Bible Church

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SERVICE AGREEMENT FORM 2018 Terms and Conditions of Service In order to safeguard the ministry and vision of City Bible Church, and to ensure that leaders serve God together with “excellence of ministry” in accomplishing Gods plan and the set vision for this church, the following understanding and mutual agreement is vital. Church Members who hold any form of office or position, or perform any form of service or function in the church, or outside of the church, or on behalf of the church, being of a voluntary or of a paid nature, are required to be examples in their faith, doctrine, conduct, character, service, interpersonal relationships, ethics, business affairs, and in all manner of life. Therefore a voluntary, willing, mutual understanding and agreement to abide by and to conduct oneself according to and within the principles outlined in this letter, which outlines the terms and conditions of service, is vital in order to be of service in, or on behalf of City Bible Church. I FREELY, WILLINGLY AND VOLUNTARY AGREE AND SUBMIT MYSELF, TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING: I willingly, freely and voluntarily submit myself, subscribing to abide …show more content…

 I willingly and voluntarily agree to live a holy, separated, Godly Christian life as determined by the Word of God and as determined at any stage by the Church Board and or Pastors in accordance with the Word of God. The Leadership will under no circumstances allow immoral living or conduct that God has plainly stated that He abhors. Leaders should set the standard of holy living, faith, doctrine, conduct, and behaviour in all areas of

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