Texas Law School Application Essay

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Dear Admissions Committee, Thank you for your continued consideration of my application for the Texas Law Class of 2027. I am currently on the waitlist and would like to enthusiastically express my continued desire to attend. As a proud Texas Ex who majored in the College of Liberal Arts, the law school’s significance was always tangible—professionally and academically. Working as a file clerk and paralegal at an Austin firm, I witnessed the intelligence, compassion, and legal prowess with which the Texas law-educated attorneys I interacted with practiced law. Academically, my education at UT Austin allowed me access to law school at every turn. At the end of my freshman year, course reviews urged students like myself who were interested in …show more content…

Dr. H. W. Perry conducted the course as he would an authentic law school class: cold calling abounded, inquisitions about the facts of the case and their holdings made my spine straighten instantaneously, and I began to encounter an entirely new way to think and learn. I ended the semester with an unrelenting interest and respect for the Commerce Clause and a registration confirmation for a spring course in Civil Liberties. When the year ended and cases still flew rapidly through my mind, I knew I had fallen in love with the law. Three years later, as I began to apply to law school, I attribute much of my journey in recognizing my calling toward a career in public interest law to the impact Texas Law has left on me as an undergraduate. My experiences taking courses with Dr. Perry, in the fall and spring semesters of my sophomore year, were truly the impetus for my passion for the law. As a result, I recognize my desire to pursue constitutional law and theory as it relates to civil liberties and civil rights will thrive at a school with a collegial culture I value and a robust Civil Rights Clinic, William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law, and Supreme Court