The Afl Methods Of Assessment For Learning

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Assessment for learning (AFL) is a method that is focused on the achievement of a deep approach to learning. This can be accomplished by the guidance and feedback given by the teachers to engage the learners. Also, peer learning is allowed. AOL is used for summative purposes while AFL is a method of formative assessment (McDowell 2011). AFL is a process that improves teaching and learning. Meanwhile, assessment of learning (AOL) aims to evaluate what was learned (Gipps 1994).

AFL is a method that monitors the progress of the students, giving them the proper tasks that are followed by feedback. Self and peer assessment are allowed to improve their knowledge (Sadler 1998). This environment promotes the authenticity of teaching …show more content…

Mapping, if properly used by the teachers and the assessors can prevent any discrepancy between teaching and assessment to produce valid exams. The curriculum map correlates the learning opportunities and experiences with the assessment. The map clarifies the names of the assessors and who are the administrators (Harden 2001).

Blueprinting is the ideal method of constructing an exam. It is an assessment method that is done through a plan. The items of assessment must be congruent with the learning objectives to achieve the validity of the exam. This means that the learning objectives and the acquired competencies must align with the questions of the exam. Improper blueprinting can result in a weak representation of a specific domain of the curriculum in the exam or in an irrelevant difficulty of the exam. Also, improper blueprinting can produce a large number of questions that are focused on a single domain of the curriculum (Hamdy …show more content…

It can be given by a teacher, peer or even by self (Hattie and Timperley 2007).The information of feedback must be used by the learner to improve his knowledge behavior and learning strategies (Winnie and Butler 1995).Feedback is used by the learners to fill the gaps in knowledge and practice and to achieve the learning outcomes (Hattie and Timperley 2007). The learners should have a commitment and a goal in order to search for and receive feedback (Locke and Latham 1990).

A well-constructed feedback must be respectful and given in a non-threatening manners. The supervisor must be open-minded and provokes the thinking of the student to provide ideas for the improvement of performance (Norcini and Burch 2007).Effective feedback should be extended from the task to the processes underlying the task to give a cue for the learner to identify errors and to look for new learning strategies (Harackiewicz 1979).

The different methods of FA and feedback can be gathered in a student's portfolio. Also, the written tasks and the self-reflection documents are included. The portfolio is used as a starting point for discussion with the student during mentoring (Swanwick