The Banking Concept

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In the text, the ‘banking’ concept of education is distinguished as ‘the scope of action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filling, and storing the deposits.’ Freire illustrates the roles the ‘banking’ concept plays in student’s education; how it affects the teachers, affects the students, and the type of relation it creates between a student and teacher. In the passage, Freire pointed out how the teachers who are using this precise model are having all the power, the power to determine a bright mind’s future. Having ‘power’ isn’t necessary displayed as having authority, it can also be displayed as how they teach, talk, and the mindset they bring to the classroom. Freire claims “”...the educator's role is to regulate …show more content…

Teachers are ‘filling’ students mind with information, sometimes it’s irrelevant information. In the passage, it states “his task is to ‘fill’ the students with the contents of his narration--contents which are detached from reality, disconnected from the totality that engendered them and could give them significance.” The ‘banking’ concept plays a role in the way teachers teach because the model is forcing them to teach the wrong way. The concept is giving little power to students, limits them to what they are exposed to. The ‘banking’ concept is also a model that is destroying student’s …show more content…

The ‘banking’ concept is nowhere used in this class because teachers decide to use a different curriculum, a curriculum that allows students truly learn. The banking concept isn’t necessary being displayed because the classes are not high school level, they are college classes now. Ap classes follow the ‘problem-posing’ method, this model has viewed that “the solution is not to ‘integrate’ them into the structure of oppression, but to transform that structure so that they can become ‘bings for themselves.’ The problem-posing method is already introduced to my rigorous college classes, learning thurley occurs because that’s the only way a student will pass the class. The ‘problem-posing’ model does indeed transform students into being themselves, students are challenged to think on a different level. Problem-posing is a model where “the teacher cannot think of her students, nor can she impose her thoughts on them”, “the teacher is no longer merely the-one-who-teaches, but one who is himself taught in dialogue with the students, who in turn while being taught also teach”, and “students, as they are increasingly posed with the problems relating to themselves in the world and with the world, will feel increasingly challenged and obligated to respond to that challenges.” The first couple of weeks during my Ap classes, teachers did not establish rules nor how the class will run.