
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Literary Analysis

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I read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne and I finished the novel. This book is about a boy who is forced to move to Out-With because of his father’s job. His father is a Nazi soldier, so they are moving to be closer to a concentration camp. When he can not find anything to do at Out-With, he takes a journey along a fence seperating him from thousands of people in striped pajamas. Finally, he finds a boy near the fence named Shmuel, and they become friends. A tragic ending occurs when Bruno crosses the fence with Shmuel and never come out. In this paper I will be questioning and evaluating. G- I have two questions regarding The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Y- Why does Bruno lie to Lieutenant Kotler when he asked if …show more content…

Why would Bruno lie when Lieutenant Kotler asked him if he had seen Shmuel before? I think he lied for two main reasons. First, he wanted to protect Shmuel. Bruno saw how Lieutenant Kotler reacted when Pavel dropped the bottle of wine. The reader can see that Bruno knows Shmuel and Pavel were alike, so he wants to prevent another outburst from presenting itself. Shmuel has also mentioned previous to this time how despicable the Lieutenant is on the side of the fence where the prisoners live. When Lieutenant Kotler walks into the kitchen, Bruno sees the mood shift in Shmuel. He suddenly becomes very quiet and focused, not making direct eye contact with Lieutenant Kotler. One can see that Bruno is aware of this and is probably trying to protect Shmuel from the man in power in this situation. On the contrary, Bruno may have lied to protect himself from Lietenant Kotler. He knows how aborrhant of a man the Lieutenant is, so he does not want to be on his bad side. Bruno also thinks the Lieutenant will tell his father if he knows that Bruno has met Shmuel before. This would put in Bruno in a lot of trouble, because he has been told on countless occasions, never to go near the fence. If Lieutenant Kotler knows that Bruno has met Shmuel, he will treat Bruno even worse than before. It has been shown on multiple occassions how much Lieutenant Kotler despises the Jews. My second question concerns The Fury’s(Adolf Hitler’s) …show more content…

He thinks his father is a good soldier, unlike the other soldiers on the other side of the fence. He does not understand that his mom turns to alcohol when she is angry. Y- Bruno is adventurous. R- He explores at his house in Berlin. He explores nooks and crannies in Berlin. He never explored his father’s office There were five stories, so there was always something to discover. R- He explores at Out-With. Bruno finds the window that looked over the camp. He finds the tree that he was able to make a tire swing out of. - He finds Shmuel and an entrance to the other side of the fence. G- John Boyne successfully characterized Bruno as innocent and

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