The Diary Of Anne Frank: Why People Are Good At Heart

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In the play of “The Diary of Anne Frank,” Anne states,”In spite of everything I still believe people really are good at heart.” She believes that deep down everyone is good. I agree with her. There are people who do bad things, but deep down is a sense of good, like a small candle in a dark room. Everyone has a choice to let their light shine or extinguish it. Some let it burn, and some let it die out, but just because the candle isn’t lit doesn’t mean it’s not there. Now, it’s your own decision whether you believe people are good at heart or not,but let me show you why I believe people are. True kindness is when you choose to forgive someone who has wronged you or another close to you, yet you still love them and help them in their time …show more content…

The bond between parents and their children is a love stronger than any other bond they have. We all have a special reserved part of our hearts solely devoted to our parents. All children love their parents, and probably couldn’t live without their parents. On page 83 Mr. Frank risks his life by leaving the apartment. Anne like any normal child asks frantically for someone to go find her father. “Quiet! Quiet!” instead of helping Anne by finding her father, Mr. Van Daan only yells at her. In this scenario I can see why you might disagree with Anne. Mr. Van Daan is being very cruel. Mr. Frank has provided him with shelter, food, and a place to sleep, but Mr. Van Daan won’t even go make sure he is safe. He’s acting like Mr. Frank has done nothing for him. Instead of rushing out to go make sure Mr. Frank was okay, he yelled at Anne to be quiet so she couldn’t remind him of how ungrateful he was being. Here is an example of when you really wonder if people are good deep down. If Mr.Van Dann is being so mean how can he be good at heart? Despite his actions at this point I still believe he is good. Maybe not at this moment, but let’s remember how thankful and happy he was at Hanukkah. People can have different sides, but that doesn’t change the fact that deep down under the gloomy clouds is a little light pushing the darkness out. The choice is up to you, let the darkness in or, push it out. I believe Mr. V. D. just let the darkness in at that moment. He still had his light, it was just a little