The Effects Of Adrenal Glands On Sexual Desires And The Female Decision-Making Process

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Abigail Adams once stated that “learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.” These words on self-progression, as well the value of education, mirrors a universal dilemma between the relationships of adults and teenagers. Adolescents go through a process of physical and emotional changes that impact their decision making process. These decisions, for example, are done without considering the consequences such as jumping off a cliff, deciding to skip class, or hanging out with the wrong crowd in order to be accepted. Consequently, many have scrutinized teenagers without asking the underlying question of why? Why do teens make rash decisions, and often find themselves in a place of viability? Through …show more content…

Subtopics that will be explored to sanctify the claim are the effects of the Adrenal Glands on sexual desires and the female decision-making process, and how do differences in brain structures affect the ability to attain and respond to information.
During, teenage years many experience a variety of new emotions, where it be love, hate, or betrayal. According to recent statistic by ReCAPP, 47% of high school students reported having sexual intercourse. As a result, many researchers such as DL Tolman, GS Hall, and SM Moore have tried to allocate reasons why sexual desires are most predominant during this stage in development. Although many in the science community have not yet come up with a definite answer; nonetheless, researchers continuously attest that the Adrenal Glands do play a significant role in youth behavior. Live strong reporter Susan T. McClure mentioned, “The adrenal glands lie atop the kidneys and produce several different types of hormones. The inner core, or medulla, of the adrenal glands produces (stress hormones) like epinephrine--adrenaline--while the outer layer or cortex produces androgens, the family of (male) steroids that includes testosterone. The adrenal glands …show more content…

The procedure of decision making is complex, time consuming, and requires the ability to self-reflect. Variables such as development, emotions, and pride can also dictate how actions and decisions are made. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “Pictures of the brain in action show that adolescents' brains work differently than adults when they make decisions or solve problems. Their actions are guided more by the emotional and reactive amygdala and less by the thoughtful, logical frontal cortex.” The way teenagers respond and make decisions is very different from an adult. When teenagers make a decision it is mostly from an emotional standpoint, which is much different than adults. Adults tend to use prior experiences and learning to think logically and evaluate the situation before making a decision. During adolescent development, most hormones are secreted by the body, which alters decisions. Although hormones synthesized by the adrenal glands can negatively impact decision making, the female anatomy is also a contributor to unbalanced behavior. A recent study has linked the relationship between a female's menstrual cycle and decision making process. According to Jarvis Keller of LinkedIn, “From the data, researchers found that women who were ovulating performed better on