
The Ethical Definition Of Teacher Tenure In The United States

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Teacher tenure- is a policy that restricts the ability to fire teachers who have successfully completed a probationary period and requires substantiated reasons for firing them. Individual countries or states have established their own tenure systems.
Ethics- described as moral philosophy, is a system of moral principles that affect how people make decisions and lead their lives and is good for individuals and society

Parents in USA have taken a stand to deal with the deteriorating state of their children’s education and future. A developing country like South Africa can learn and also embark on the same before things get rotten to the core. With the downfall of apartheid in SA, teachers received access to fundamental rights within the Bill of Rights ( Chapter 2, Section 23) of the constitution. The teachers unions are more interested in having a large membership regardless of their members’ performance and commitment to their duties. Keeping teachers that are not committed -all in the name of contractual obligation- is detrimental. Modern societies are confronted with many moral challenges and hav make ethical choices daily which can be normative ethical …show more content…

) parents in a developed country like USA have taken a stand to deal with the deteriorating state of their children’s education and future, insisting that nonperforming teachers be removed from classrooms. This can be viewed as parents fighting for their children’s fundamental right to education while conflicting with the teachers’ right to employment. The renewal of the teachers’ tenure amidst their non performance can be the violation of children’s rights to learn while protecting the teachers’ right to

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