The Giver Movie Vs Book

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In the book, it says, “The Giver looked up at him, his face contorted with suffering, ‘Please,’ he gasped, ‘take some of the pain.’ Jonas helped him to his chair at the side of the bed. Then he quickly removed his tunic and lay faced down. ‘Put your hands on me,’ he directed, aware that in such anguish The Giver might need reminding. The hands came, and the pain came with them and through them. Jonas braced himself and entered the memory which was torturing The Giver” (118). This shows that it took the Giver a long time to give Jonas his memory and it was not intense or horrible. While in the movie, when the receiver (Jonas) arrives to the giver’s house and finds him on the floor. He runs to him and grabs the giver’s hand, but then received a very bad memory of a war. There was so much pain, fear and sufferness. He started cry and the Giver tried to apologize but he left, frightened and unbelieving. This demonstrates to us that in the movie the action and the plot was more intense and happened way quicker with more horror because as a viewer it makes me feel more invested in the movie. …show more content…

As I have discussed, I believe the movie version of The Giver is a more powerful version. I believe this because it shows us more about the characters and plot. I also believe that because of the character development and the plot which makes the movie more powerful than the book. This has been proved in the pieces of evidence and