Benito Mussolini Fascism Analysis

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There are many different ideologies in politics. From a social-scientific viewpoint, an ideology is more or less coherent set of ideas that provides a basis for organized political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify or overthrow the existing system of power relationship. Some of those ideologies are liberalism, conservatism socialism. Italy focus is on Fascism. Fascism is a political ideology in which the state possesses all the power over the country. Actually, fascism is not suitable for the public compared to the modern and fairer ideologies like socialism and democracy. Fascism requires all citizens to work solely for the government .It is a totalitarian nationalist ideology. Also Fascism is structurally rigid and authoritarian. …show more content…

The Fascist State is itself conscious and has itself a will and a personality (Mussolini, "Fascism," the Italian Encyclopaedia, 1932.). Mussolini is considered to be the father of Fascism. His only purpose to found Fascism was to gain power and be in control. During the World War I, Mussolini was the only lasting hope for a war devastated Italy to regain regional strength. Fascism began as follows; after the war in Italy, Mussolini had established the ‘National Fascist Party’. This political party was founded in 1922. But, at the time Mussolini still lacked a clear fascist program. After the election, he was elected the Prime Minister. On 3 January 1925, he declared himself as the dictator of Italy (Stave 2011). It should be noted that Fascism does not accept criticism. And thus, Mussolini closed opposition newspapers and banned public protest meetings. Mussolini declared all political parties illegal except for his own Fascist Party to dissolve any opposing political or military power that could try to subdue him. Thus, fascism was founded in a war torn Italy, during the First World War by Benito Mussolini, the father of Fascism to seize control over Italy and take charge to improve the dithering conditions. Fascism didn’t stay in Italy alone, it spread to other countries