The Idolization Of Pro Athletes As Role Models

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Professional Athletes are everywhere in the media. Whether its the quarterback of the Redskins trying to sell you a sandwich, or a sports team showing how much they help the community. Pro athletes have overtime become idols to society. Kids buy their jerseys and treat them like role models, but why? Why are athletes seen a role models. They are athletic but what else did they do to deserve the idolization of children and adults. Then when their favorite athlete does drugs or something unlawful society is surprised. Athletes are just regular humans with athletic abilities that shouldn’t be role models for our nation. Athletes are everywhere now. Not just in the game but the commercials and ads outside of the game. This makes them seem important in society. Kids and adults idolize them so the media uses them to sell more products. Then that makes them get payed more which makes people idolize them and the they sell more products so on and so on. “We pay them” (Dennis Maley). If we don't buy there products and treat them like they are great the salary would go down making them less rich. Then they …show more content…

Athletes are from all backgrounds and situations which is a good thing but sometimes backgrounds show. Whether it Donald sterling being racist, or Barry Bonds doing steroids comes from their background. Some athletes when there rich they buy drugs and do bad things because money can buy anything. Athletes have are just regular people and some people do actions that are not acceptable in society. When Michael Vick had a dog fighting team everyone was shocked that he would do such a thing but in his childhood his neighbor had a dog fighting arena.” I just didn’t think it was as bad as it really was” (Michael Vick). There background gets the best of them sometimes because of the way they were raised and who they grew up by. This does not make them good role