The Importance Of Ethical Leadership

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LEADERSHIP Leadership is a function of input an individual can make into the community’s capacity for concerted action, into the total power of the community in relation to the problems and opportunities it encounters (Breton, 1991). (Jedwab, 2001) The notion of leadership is very often linked to the issue of power and influence. (Jedwab, 2001) Ethical leadership Aristotle’s philosophy of leadership argues that "Leadership is more than a skill, more than the knowledge of theories, and more than analytical faculties. It is the ability to act purposively and ethically as the situation requires on the basis of the knowledge of universals, experience, perception, and intuition. It is about understanding the world in a richer and broader sense, neither with cold objectivity nor solipsistic subjectivity." (Toor & Ofori, 2009) Therefore leadership ought to be ethical in order to be effective and successful over the long term.(Toor & Ofori, 2009). Leaders must demonstrate the highest moral standards and ethical conduct in their everyday speech, actions, decisions and behaviours so that others in their organisations can follow. (Toor & Ofori, 2009) Leadership involves: 1. Establishing a clear vision.(CCMU publications) 2. Sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly.(CCMU publications) 3. Providing the information, knowledge and methods to realise that vision.(CCMU publications) 4. Coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and