My Leadership Philosophy

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1. The dictionary defines leadership as” the action of leading a group of people or organization”. To me there is a lot more to leadership than just that singular thought. I feel that there are several other key items to Leadership, such as action, where we actually act on what we are saying we will do. There is trust, where those we are trying to lead understand and believe in what we are saying, and have them believe it is in their best interest to follow. Perspective incorporates leadership to ensure that your perspective is similar to those who you are trying to lead to a common goal through vision. Focus is to inspire and engage those around us, and to be true to the point of the ideas and initiatives trying to be accomplished. The last key thought is vision which is hard to accomplish, because you have that innate feeling that someone is a great leader, and you would follow that person, on whatever task they are trying to lead you too. Throughout my years in the service, I have seen great leaders, and very poor leaders, …show more content…

The next area I need to focus more on is “appeals to others to share an exciting dream of the future. As an Inspirational Pattern (I) personality of leadership from the DiSC Classic Personal Profile System ref (b) my value to the organization by being a “people mover” initiating compliments and influences others by use of rewards. I should be a great asset in bringing people onboard with tasks, even the ones that are less than desirable to complete. I need to be a more active listener, to those who I am asking things from and showing the big picture ideas to those who would normally see it from the operator level, and not the organizational level. I also need to recognize those who do great work, and give more public praise, instead of a quite “atta” boy. I need to follow through more formal recognition from the members. These ideas will hopefully help me appeal to those who I want to share these exciting dreams of the future

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