The Importance Of Human Resource Management

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Q1: Why is it important for HR Management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to becoming more strategic contributor?
Human Resource management has to transform to being a more strategic contributor to business success because the demands of the workplace are rapidly changing. Human resources employees can fill purely administrative roles and become strategic contributors to company or organization success. Transforming the HR function into a strategic contributor can take your workforce strategies to the next level and increase the value of your human capital to accrue distinct competitive advantages.
Next, the demands of the workplace and the increasing technological drive of the domain, as well as the fluid and dynamic nature of the globalized workforce and work setting are all the elements that are rapidly changing what work people do and how they will be assessed in accordance to it.
Besides, Human Resource Management can be dynamic asset to help with such changes. The days of presuming that the skills and ideas that someone has when they enter a particular job are going to not change over the course of their occupation with the organization are fading fast.
And the last but not least, Human resource management is responsible for how the people are treated in organizations or company and it is guide for bringing people into the organization or company, helping them to perform their work, compensating them for their labours, solving the