Essay On Italy Culture

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Most of us have dreamed of going to Italy, or even just know about it from being the “boot shaped” country. I myself, have always dreamed of going to Italy, and experiencing their rich culture. They have so much to offer about their culture to someone, such as; the arts, architecture, their family traditions, and of course, their food. Italy is currently home to about 62 million people, and about 96% of that population is Italian. Italy’s culture has flourished for decades, and I hope to make their magnificent culture more understood through this paper. Like I stated earlier, most of the population in Italy is Italian, but, there are many other ethnicities’ that reside in Italy. According to the article, “Italian Culture: Facts, Customs & Traditions”, Italy includes “North African Arab, Italo-Albanian, …show more content…

For a better idea, here is a brief explanation from Hofstede Insight, “In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only” (Country Comparison). With Italy having a score of 76, one would consider Italy being an individualist culture. So, in reference to our text in chapter 6, the Italian culture is more centered around the interest of themselves, rather than the group. They do look after family, but they always have themselves in mind, they also have a direct communication style as well. Now, this individualism does vary when you get into Southern Italy, this is where more of the family gatherings will be occurring. The family is more important here, and the individualism applies more to Northern Italy. People can even notice the difference, “People going from Southern Italy to the North say that they feel cold not only for the different climate but for the less “warm” approach in relationships” (Country Comparison). Now that we know Italy rates higher on the Individualism aspect, how do they rate on