The Importance Of Interprofessional Communication

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Cutting edge technology has significantly changed the world as we once knew it and created a dependency that can be considered either healthy or unhealthy. Smartphones, laptops, iPads, Apple Watches to name a few, are not just gadgets, they are a major necessity in many lives and serve as a mode of communication. With these multiple modes of communication, there is still a basic need for face to face communication in many arenas, especially the health care setting. In a health care setting there are multiple instances in which the requirements of communication among multiple health care professionals with varying levels of education and occupation training is necessary in which technology does not serve as the ideal delivery system.
Evolving healthcare has changed the dynamics of health care. Today’s patients are more diverse, have more complex health needs and typically require more than one discipline to address issues regarding their health status. These increasing needs have brought about the emergence of interprofessional communication and collaboration. The most effective communication occurs when health care professional work in tandem and better enable them to address these complex and challenging needs of their patients. This interprofessional approach allows sharing of expertise and perspectives to form a common goal of improving outcomes.
Interprofessional communication and collaboration are the trademarks of highly successful healthcare teams and the lack