Job Satisfaction In Education Essay

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One of the foundations of an effective educational system is having high-quality teaching staff. As cited by (Giacometti, 2005 )Obtaining and retaining quality teachers is a continuing concern that is facing educational leaders at all levels. (Hull, 2004; Ingersoll, 2001; National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, 2003; National Education Association, 2004).

Developing a high quality faculty for the school includes understanding the factors allied with teacher’s quality and effectiveness and retention. One of these factors is job satisfaction that is merely rampant in our society today (Ostroff & Mathieu, 1992, 1991). Job satisfaction is an affective reaction to an individual’s work situation. It can be defined as an overall …show more content…

Job salary is one of the factors affecting the satisfaction of the teachers (Cancordia University, 2012). Unfavorably satisfied teachers are less likely to change schools or to leave the teaching profession because of the offered low salary and look for a better job. Job satisfaction can reduce the possibility of mass resignation especially among private schools. Job salary among teachers varies on the experience, relationship in their workplace and term or number of years in teaching in the school. In a nutshell, teacher’s satisfaction with his or her career may influence the quality and stability of instruction given to students plus salary is one of the factors affecting teacher’s satisfaction.

EXPECTED CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GROWTH OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JOB SATISFACTION AND SALARY This study will help us know the relationship of job satisfaction and salary in the field of teaching in ATHS. It will help the students who will take this profession to be better equipped and knowledgeable. Also, to determine why do teachers especially form private sector leave the school and rather work on public schools. It will help workers to use critical thinking skills in choosing their job.