Learning English And Second Language Essay

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Each country has a national language where people associate each other in each territory areas. People should master a common language and master other language that can be understood by people they meet. However, each country in the world needed International language for global communication, and English language is one choice as the International language.
It is used widely in the world. Almost all countries use it either as the first, second or foreign language. As English is the first foundation at secondary schools, the vocabulary teaching and learning is very important to support the mastery of English language skills (Yuliastuti, 2009).
According to Farida (2010), learning foreign is quite different from learning first language. Foreign language is not used in daily life or practice frequently. Learning a foreign language is attributed to the conflict of different structural systems (i.e. differences between the grammatical and phonological patterns of the native tongue and …show more content…

Formal system of education depends on three components that are curriculum, student and teacher. Teachers’ role is to impart education and education builds societies. Therefore, an individual, being a unit of a society, shall be educated. In relation to these, the word competence is taken in two common meanings. First is the ability to do a task: the narrow conception of competency standards is a list of particular, discrete vocational tasks of a teacher. But according to the integrated conception, competence is conceptualized in terms of knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes displayed in the context of a carefully chosen set of realistic professional tasks. With the passage of time, changes in every field of life are seen due to technology usage so teaching and learning process also has been changing and needs to benefit these