The Importance Of Mind Mapping

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Education is acknowledged as a crucial measure of worldwide improvement. The government is well aware that the technological advancement and social-economic growth are dependent on educational development. Hence, the importance of education in the society can be overly emphasized. They applied a lot of method in the process of teaching and learning. One of the methods which they use is mind map. A recent study (Buzan 2014) found that the mind-mapping is an organized brainstorming method and mind mapping is a powerful graphic technique which aims at using the brain with full capacity. A good mind map shows the overall structure of the topic or problem and relates subtopics through color, lines, pictures. At heart of mind mapping is the striking …show more content…

Drawing the topic of the mind map at the center of paper and adding colors would be the first step in building mind map. The following step would be to add the sub-headings to the theme at the middle. The sub-headings ought to be written in capital letter laid on a thick branch. This is to make them all the more extraordinary. They ought to all be connected to the inside. They ought to be joined at edges, to permit further branches to transmit more effectively. For this situation, we can include four sub-headings, for example, Environment, Family, Holidays and Events. Every sub-heading which includes the primary focuses, the supporting subtle elements, just key words and pictures ought to be utilized in order to save space and time. Every keyword or picture ought to be laid on a line. This means that much more keywords and thoughts can be associated with any current keywords. All branches ought to emanate from a solitary point (Buzan 2014). All the branches that branch out from the same point ought to be in the same family shading. Both teachers and students change hues when they go from one level of thoughts to a more specific level. They should note that the mind map is not a synopsis of a part in a course book. It does not simply contain fundamental focuses, leaving the imperative supporting points of interest out. In this last step, let your creative ability go wild …show more content…

Mind maps help students learn information by forcing them to organize and add images and color to it. These maps have been appeared to reduce intellectual burden because students are creating a two-dimensional space to tie in thoughts and concepts that relate together. Recently, Budd (2004) found that Mind maps permit students to make a visual image to upgrade their learning and can be utilized as a metacognitive instrument that allows them to make associations with material in significant ways. According to Farrand, Fearzana, and Hennessy (2002) found that mind maps not only aided medical students in studying, but also encouraged a deeper level of learning, especially when paired with a problem-based learning curriculum. A recent study by Goodnough and Woods (2002) concepts and ideas in science can be understood through the assistance of Mind Mapping. It will also increase attention, better organized thinking, improve memory, deepen understanding and approach for sharing ideas during assessment. Moreover, Budd (2004) pointed out that Mind maps have also been as reflective tools that allow for broader associations to be made to the