
The Middle Ages: An Example Of A Golden Age

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The Middle Ages: a time period of either distraught or glory. Some countries in a Golden Age, thriving, with riches, achievements, and glory. Though, others may be in a Dark Age, with plague, distraught, and war. From around 500 AD. - 1500 AD, the Middle East, Japan, and Africa were experiencing a Golden Age.

In the Middle Ages, the Middle East was a great example of a golden age because of religion and the Ottoman Empire. The Middle East was mainly around Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. However, they conquered many places spanning from Europe to India. Islam, one of the biggest religions, was the main religion in the Middle East. Islam was created from Muhhamed - spiritually - meeting their God, and sending him messages. He started to …show more content…

The Five Pillars of Islam included five main rules that all Muslims had to follow. The pillars went in the order of: believing in one god, fasting during the month of Ramadan, giving money to the poor, praying to Allah five times a day, and making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life. Mecca was the most sacred and important place to the Muslims. People would practice religion and pray to God for anything from good weather for crops, family to be healthy, and much more. One place where Islam was very popular and thriving was in the Ottoman Empire, around 1299-1922 AD. The Ottoman Empire gained a lot of power, with strong armies, conquering new places. These new places' religion was then remodeled into Islam. This meant that the people under the rule of the Ottoman Empire would have to follow and practice the Muslims culture. When people went out to trade and seek more land, they would travel in caravans. They would be with a larger group of merchants on camels. As they traded, the Islam …show more content…

Because of these phenomenal factors, Japan had a thriving Golden Age. Japan is so isolated because of the location, an island off the east coast of Asia. Because of that, Japan was a very peaceful country, apart from others. Since Japan was separated from the rest of the world, Japan was not a very common target from people to invade. Though, one time when the Mongols tried to invade, the weather conditions were just too horrible for them to continue on. One religion Japan relied on was Zen Buddhism, the idea which meditation can reward people with wisdom. This belief was brought by Price Shikoku from China around 600 AD, which wasn’t fully attributed to be a Golden Age until 1185 AD, and ended around 1870 AD. Many people gained trust and respect for one another by contributing to Zen Buddhism. The Japanese got along with each other a lot more than other countries. Japan was at a very high point during the Middle Ages because of religion and

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